Mar 5, 2020 | Bathrooms, Home Maintenance, Kitchens
How to Protect Your Countertops There are some general rules of thumb you can follow to protect your countertops, no matter which type you have. Wipe away spills as soon as possible, especially if spilled food is acidic or has coloring or dyesAvoid standing or sitting...
Mar 4, 2020 | Home Building, Home Maintenance, Landscaping, New Homes
Concrete is composed of water, aggregate (rocks and sand), and cement which acts as a binder. Expansion, Contraction and Cracking Concrete All building materials expand and contract when exposed to changes in temperature. Concrete expands when temperatures rise and...
Jan 28, 2020 | Home Maintenance, New Homes
When we build a Horizons East Home, we take care to ensure you have great details in your home and underground. For homeowners with septic systems, that includes the use of a quality EZflow® Septic System. Let’s take a look at what your septic system does...
Jan 6, 2020 | Budget, Home Building, Home Maintenance
Saving energy on laundry day not only helps the planet, it can reduce your utility bill. Often for new home-buyers, the most energy efficient thing you can do is purchase a washer and dryer that is engineered to reduce energy consumption. What to Look for in an Energy...