Sticking to a budget can be one of the hardest parts of building your dream home or completing a remodel. These simple steps will help keep your wallet in check and make your dream home a reality. 

1- Be Realistic About Your Costs and Budget Early On
Before you get too far along in your planning, it is essential to begin contemplating costs and gathering estimates. While these numbers will certainly be preliminary, they will give you a better idea of what you can realistically fit into your budget.

2- “Cheap” Land Isn’t Always The Way To Go
Unfortunately, while lots that are priced the lowest seem to be a great steal, they tend to hide their true costs. Lots that aren’t cleared or do not already have water or power readily available to them can add cost to your project before you even get to the fun part- the house! If you are looking to build on a budget, the most economical lots will generally be in a subdivision, where utilities will already be easily accessible.

3- Complex Floor Plans Add Cost
While the house plan with the multi-dimensional complicated roofline and lots of bump-outs in the plan may be beautiful and appealing, it is absolutely not the most economical way to build. If you are looking to stay at a certain price point, a less complicated structure can be just as beautiful and more practical for a budget.

4- Going Up Is Better Than Going Out
The more affordable houses use less ground space and instead go up! Instead of building a massive sprawling home, you may want to opt for a home that offers the same amount of heated square footage, but that minimizes foundation and roofing costs by building up.

5- Must-Have Features Now, Optional Features Later
When you are on a budget, you may want to consider opting for the things that are must-haves now and upgrading other things later. When following this tip, be sure to consider the ease of upgrades later. For example, it may be less of an inconvenience for you to upgrade your light fixtures later, whereas changing out your fiberglass shower to tile would be quite a hassle. Prioritize your essentials from the beginning and if you still need to cut back, eliminate the items you could upgrade easily down the road.

6- Consult A Professional
If you are working within certain monetary limits, it may be tempting to avoid spending any money on a professional. The truth is, builders and architects, work in construction on a daily basis and will likely have not only money-saving tips but also will have access to more affordable materials and labor than you would likely have on your own.